
Kamis, 27 November 2014

Text Of Story Telling About Healthy Lifestyle

Once upon a time, lived a couple of friend. They were Kaka and Kiki. Not only Kaka but also Kiki liked to eat so much but they had difference. Kaka, whose body was bigger than Kiki, liked to eat many kinds of junk food such as hamburger, pizza, spaghetti and many others. it was upside down with Kiki, Kiki liked to eat many kinds of vegetables because he was a vegetarian.
“ Kiki….!!! Do you have any plan tonight? ”, asked Kaka.
“ Ehmmm…… No, I have no plan. What’s going on?? ”, answered Kiki.
“ Thanks God !! Would you like to accompany me to have lunch in a restaurant ?? “, asked Kaka.
“ What ?!! Do you want to eat again??!! We already had our lunch hours ago and you want to eat again???, said Kiki shocked.
“ Oh come on!! You know me so well. I’ll treat you, you may choose everything that you want. Do we deal? “, persuaded Kaka.
“ Ehmmm…. It suits me fine!!! “, agreed Kiki.
They went to the restaurant around their boarding house. Arriving there, Kaka ordered many kinds of food. Kiki wasn’t wonder for what his friend ordered. As a good friend of Kaka’s, Kiki always reminded his friend not to eat junk food too much but Kaka didn’t care about that.
“Kaka, you shouldn’t eat those food regularly. It is dangerous for your health!! “, reminded Kiki.
“ OK!! I get it Kiki. You have reminded me a thousand times! “, replied Kaka.
“ Don’t be stubborn Kaka!! “, said Kiki.
“ OK Kiki! Now, enjoy your meal “, said Kaka.
“ It’s up to you!! “, said Kiki annoyed.
After having lunch, that couple of friend went back to their boarding house. they intended to visit their old friend. Kaka went sleep right away while Kiki was brushing his teeth.
“ Good night Kiki!! “, took the blanket.
“ Kaka, don’t you want to brush your teeth? “, asked Kiki.
“ No, it doesn’t matter!! Sleep tight Kiki! “, said Kiki and went to sleep.
“ OK! Sleep tight too Kaka! “, replied Kiki.
Both of them went to sleep. Tomorrow morning, Kiki and Kaka wanted to visit their old friend in Bandung. They went there by using Kaka’s car
“ Get up Kaka!! You said we want to go to Gugun’s house?? “, said Kiki.
“ Really??! “, asked Kaka.
“ Yes, I am!! Come on get up! “, said Kiki.
“ OK I get up, you see?? “, replied Kiki.
The couple of friend went to Bandung. During the journey, they talked about his friend Gugun when they were in Senior High School. Few hours later, Kaka felt hungry. He stopped the car near with restaurant. He asked Kiki to accompany him.
“ Kiki, I’m hungry. Let’s eat at that restaurant!! “, asked Kaka.
“ Eat again?? OK, I’m with you!! “, replied Kiki.
In the restaurant, Kaka ordered many kinds of food and ate it ravenously. Kiki tried to remind him again but the answer was still “OK I get it! ”.
After eating, they came back to the car to continue their journey. In the car, they talked about their past with their old friends. Suddenly, Kiki stopped his car and scream liked he felt hurt so much.
“ Auwwwww……… My stomach!!! It hurts me so much!! “, shouted Kaka.
“What ‘s wrong with you Kaka?? “, asked Kiki.
“ I don’t know! Suddenly my stomach is hurt. Aaauuu……… I couldn’t bear it anymore arrgghh… “, shouted Kaka.
“ Oh my God! Let’s see a doctor! “, asked Kiki.
 “ OK! Let’s go!! I couldn’t bear it, please be hurry!!! “, groaned Kaka.
“ OK!! “, replied Kiki.
They went to hospital and see the doctor. Arriving in the hospital, Kaka passed out. The doctor checked Kaka and diagnosed him that he got a serious problem with his stomach.
“ How about his condition doctor? “, asked
“ He was lucky, you brought him on time or else he would get comma “, explained the doctor.
“ Thank heavens!! So, what is the next step doctor? “, asked Kiki.
“ You don’t have to be worried, he only has to give a break time for his stomach. Give him nutritious food for helping recovery his stomach “, explained doctor.
Getting explanation from doctor, Kiki came into Kaka’s room and explained why he got sick and told him to more kept his pattern eat.
“ You should be careful for what you eat and start to eat nutritious food “, suggested Kiki.
“ Yes Kiki!! I’m so sorry because I didn’t listen to you so far. Now, I will change my pattern eat! “, said Kaka.
“ Good job Kaka! I’ll always support you “, said Kiki.
“ Thanks ki! “, thanked Kaka.
“ You’re welcome “, replied Kaka.
From now, Kaka always kept his pattern eat and did everything that his best friend said.

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